Sunday, May 22, 2016

First Anniversary

I should have posted this long back. But then better to be late (and listen to friends) than never do it. Here it goes...

1 year!
30 th September, 2010. Today I completed officially 1 yr of service in ISRO. Congrats!!
What a journey it has been! I recollect the changes -the constant force of nature-occured in my life.

This first year had been full of transitions for me, from college to professional life, from happening hostel life to not-so-happening-yet-eventful pseudo hostel life, from understanding people to packages (simulation and flight), from advantages to adverse stages and so on. Needless to say it has thrown very strong colours on the canvas of my professional life. When I look back I find that the most noticeable change that took place in me.

OMG! I used to enter the kitchen, ask Maa and get whatever I liked. I never bothered sparing a thought about how is it made or what effort it takes to make one. I had not a slightest idea that life has some plans for me to realize it. Now in this “Omega land” I was forced to learn some kitchen-art (Phew! It was no less than learning martial arts-cutting, chopping,boiling, tossing and rather get tossed!). I had to accept it else I would have suffered from marasmus / Kwashiorkar if my diet was based on drinking ISAC sambhar and rasam (TOP SECRET:-Office canteen follows some patented recipes for preparing these items which are in house developed).

Well, I got a mixed bag of them- some technically very sound, some very cool, some very helpful and some are escapist. Some knew the art of going home at 5:00 pm, some had the zeal of continuing after that and some expected too much from firsties. Yet there were some other breed about whom the lesser spoken of, the better. (They 'no', you got to deal with them to understand them or rather obey them without understanding else you won't find a point to know why he wants so.)

We were a bunch of 15 young people who joined ISAC. Though we were given different divisions to work in, there were occasions when I got to know some of them. There was one always basking “WELL in the HONEY “with an air of one of the coveted instis of country. (IITP-20 of ISACians can guess who am I talking of!). Then there is our PJ king! Big fat Dr. Karthikanada. I still can't bear his PJs during lunch hours in canteen, more so because of water sambhar. Hope one day I will get used to.” Mr. Aiyyy” is always found keeping keen eyes on the lady personnels. (Yeah, in desert you just need water without worrying if its drinkable or used one! Can’t help! Tyranny of age!) I hope he finds someone suitable.
If you happen to spot some bongs while strolling with this fellow, then he is none other than “Mr. Bangnet. Gosh! He enjoys exhibiting extraordinary powers in attracting bong people around him-in buses, malls, roads, restaurants, workplace, parks- whenever you want it get him there and relax!

Distance, my friend, its distance. Its something that makes you feel the pinch of what you have but hardly realize its significance. Yeah. Distance from city of joy, which I mostly felt will take ages to prosper thanks to socio-political environment, had made me realize what it has and none else. The richness of artistic and cultural love of people still makes it the cultural capital. Needless to say about the magic of the typical delicacies of that land. I miss them dearly here though its “URU”offers them too. Whatever you say -the MNC companies, Rock-savvy people here, employed busy-bodies, the pleasant weather -it lacks the warmth. The warmth has descended into the price of consumables to such an extent that it burns your pocket.

Now most of the people have become busy in the world and work.

A new year has begun. A promise of new experiences and revelations lies ahead. I hope I would accept the good and avoid the bad but most importantly am able to apply the common sense to distinguish between them and accept things I cannot change.

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